Business mission

MPL srl is an Italian company in the world of metallic carpentry that operates nationally and internationally in an innovative and qualitatively tested manner in the industrial and road infrastructure sectors. The production of MPL srl occurs in the Quality field and expresses professionalism, attention to the market, respect for the values of environmental sustainability. Our customers are followed, in the production process, by a bespoke planning, consulting and post-selling service, which distinguish us on the market for the care taken in our relationships.

MPL intends to improve the safety of industrial production in the world, placing every day to build a future of solid environmental sustainability.

© 2025 MPL Srl, Località Ferrantina - 52011 Bibbiena (AR) - - Vat 02019100516 Tax Code 02019100516 - Phone (+39) 0575.511154 - Fax (+39) 0575.593377
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